Terms & Conditions

  • We want all attendees to learn in a secure environment so for safety reasons children must be supervised at all times and not left unattended. You are responsible for your child’s safety when attending Tiny Tweeties and the session leader cannot be responsible for a child at any time. During sessions please be aware of your child’s location and monitor them. We want children to gain confidence and enjoy dancing however fast, dangerous movements are discouraged for the safety of your child and others.
  • Tiny Tweeties sessions are designed for you to experience the music and activities together with your child. We have created music for adults to enjoy too so that you can engage and have fun with your child. We know it is incredibly important for everyone to socialise and enjoy being together so we have structured the session to include some social time too. When the session is finished toys are provided and we recommend that parents / carers use this time to chat with other attendees if they wish to do so. We kindly ask that attendees refrain from prolonged, very loud chatting with other adults during sessions so that they and others can hear the songs and get the most out of the experience.
  • Your consideration for other families attending our sessions is greatly appreciated. We kindly ask that any issues you have with your child are dealt with calmly to cause as little disruption and distraction to the enjoyment of others. If it is taking a while to help calm your little one, if necessary you can take little break from the room to a quieter environment which also means other families can continue to hear and engage in the session without distraction.
  • The instruments you and your child are provided with are made especially for young children and are checked regularly for faults. If you discover any faults or damage to an instrument please return it to the session leader. Please supervise how your child handles the instrument: they should be played to create sound and participate in the music. Discourage any throwing, and ensure children don't hit the instruments against other objects as this can damage them or cause potential injury.
  • We ask politely that mobile phone usage is kept to a minimum. Spending long periods of time on a phone would be counter-productive to the aims of our sessions.
  • If you want to take a photo or video of your child that is no problem, it is lovely for you to capture memories. However please assure that it doesn't interfere with the running of the sessions or distract other attendees. Be sensitive of others who may not want their own or their children’s picture to be taken without permission. Please attempt to keep photography or video capture to a minimum. Also please remember that session content is under copyright and must not be incorporated into any other activity or published via the internet without our permission.
  • We understand that young children may at times become upset for a variety of reasons. If your child becomes very distressed and it's taking a while to comfort or distract them we kindly ask that you take a little time from the room and return when your child is settled just so other attendees can hear the music.
  • If you bring snacks along for your child we kindly ask that they are consumed before or after a session. However we totally understand that children may need a little something during the session and this is fine, but for safety reasons we’d ask that you ensure they stay with you and refrain from dancing etc at the same time as drinking or eating.
  • Please refrain from bringing large toys into sessions which may obstruct or cause injury. If your child does bring any toys or objects you are responsible for making sure they are safe, and do not obstruct or distract other attending children.
  • Please take care of all materials handed out by the session leader and listen carefully to the instructions they will provide on how they should be used. Props, instruments and toy use needs to be supervised by the parent to ensure safe engagement.
  • Parents are advised to keep children at home if they have a serious infection or any transmittable illness. We cannot offer a refund for sessions missed due to illness.
  • Please note that property left in prams or bags is your responsibility and Tiny Tweeties cannot take responsibility for these items.
  • If another family member or carer is bringing your child to Tiny Tweeties please make sure they are fully aware of what to expect at sessions and that they understand these guidelines also.
  • We ask that the number of attending adults is no more than two per child to assure we adhere to fire safety rules. If you wish to bring extra adults, a gran or granddad for example, please contact us in advance to see if this can be arranged arranged. We hope you have a wonderful time, singing dancing and learning with us at Tiny Tweeties!